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Ingrid Timbs | Clutter Relief Specialist Photo of woman organizing closet
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FREE 10 Tips:
Clear the Clutter & Gain Control for Good!
Organizing Tip of the Day
Make one area in the house where family members can put important things they need when leaving the house - keys, backpacks, purses, etc. You could call it your "launching pad"!
"Organizing seems trivial and unimportant, but it can support your deeper purpose in life. Understanding this connection is vital, otherwise you'll get organized sporadically with little impact or it will become another 'should' and you probably won't do it at all."
Marilyn Paul, Ph.D.
From It's Hard to Make a Difference When You Can't Find Your Keys

Gallery of Before-and-After Photos of Organizing Projects with Professional Organizer Ingrid Timbs

A picture's worth a thousand words ...

If you thought you were the only person with a cluttered kitchen, disappearing desk, congested closet, or gorged garage ... think again! My clients tell me they're embarrassed about their "mess" and feel burdened by it. When we tackle the project together, they feel immense relief and the freedom to tackle other, more creative projects in their lives.

The Gorged Garage



The Disappearing Desk



The Cluttered Corner



Isn't it time to tackle your project? Please contact me today-I'd love to help you!

Dear Ingrid, thank you for giving me a sense of peace and control in my life. You did an amazing job on my desk, and the files we set up are very helpful. I can actually find what I am looking for and I have been able to keep up with the papers! For the first time ever, I enjoy working at my desk! The guys like what you did in the workroom and they are amazed that they can find their tools and supplies. I didnŐt expect this process to be so inspiring. Thank you again!
- Anna Hill, R.N. Hospice
